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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Decided to take a break from blogging since no one was commenting or following.
But now I'm back... My math grades are down, my history teacher: Pissed, my family: falling apart, my life: meaningless.
I don't know what I have to do to get out of this slump.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Secret

I watched The Secret last night, and I can tell you it was pretty life changing. So I'm trying to keep my thoughts up and be grateful for what I have.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Thoughtful Tuesdays.

I go. 
Trying… Failing…                                                                               To Escape
                                                From this Torture
This…Waste of Time
This Nothingness That
Other People Choose
To Call…
Why are we here                                                                             anyways?
What are we supposed to do                                                     anyways?
Who sent us here                                                                            anyways?
Did they mean for this to be horrible                                      anyways?
Is it horrible for people that do not see through my eyes              anyways?
Or am I
                The Only One.

There has got to be something more...

There has got to be something more... to life. Well to my life, than just waking up, eating, going to school barely getting through my boring six period schedule, then going to tennis practice, then come home starving, watch a movie, then go to sleep. I mean is there supposed to be more to life? Well if you're not like me then I guess that's a full life style??? Can someone pleaaase tell me what to do to make a difference? Any like vonlunteer organizations or anything I'm willing to do!
Just leave me a comment, kay thanks
no comments.... i'm bummed.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday = "Watta Yah Say Day"

Okay so I was reading this blog called the "Three Silly Goose Monkeys" (nice name huh)? So anyways they have like"Quote of the Week" or like "Wacky Wednesdays" or something. So I decided that for me Mondays will be "Watta Yah Say Day"
Okay so here's how it works, I am going to ask you the question that Mr. Shimek (my social studies teacher) assigned me for my history journal. It's due Friday, so if anyone does read my blog please comment on what you think. Okay so here it is- Why do you think the "Framers" replaced the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. Okay so that was the questions. And also by "Framers" he means like the people that wrote the constitiution and all. So, think about it, ask some one, look online, and even leave me a web address for it!
Okay thanks, I better see some comments...
PLEASE! And this time it's not just out of deperation for someone to read my stuff, but it's out of help for my grade!!!

Europe Pix

My cousin Maya and I's Christmas Dresses!!!
(This was in a little town in England called Burton)
It's where my Aunt Maribeth lives.

Eiffel Tower

Me eating es cargo for the first time in Paris.
It was reaaaly gross, but I wanted to give it a try.


Well I now officailly looove Sundays. Spell check on oficially. lol.
Anyways, I hung out with my mom in the morning. We went to this little coffee shop/bookstore downtown.
Theeeeeen we went across the street to Marina Jacks, and looked at all the boats parked at the harbor. And we ran into my moms boss! Well her name is Laura, and her girlfriend (like in a relationship with) was there. Now I didn't have any problem with those kinds of relationships, but I was shocked to find that out.
Anyways, after that we went to a camera store becuase I'm into photography, and want to get a professional camera. I will post some pictures from when I went to England and France over winter break, I'm really impressed with the pictures I took! So anyways I want to get a Nikon, and the picture quality is like soo great!!! We took some practice pictures with the Nikon we were looking at. I learned how to like hold the camera and stuff, so that was good.
Meanwhile my friends Nicolle, and Brooke were texting me about how they were going to the mall with Reagan (who was in my fifth grade class, and was my boyfriend for a while lol) and Vinny who is in eighth grade and I had never met before, but Nicolle is going out with him.
We went to see The Green Hornet, which ofcourse I had seen the night before with Brooke! So in the movies Vinny and Nicolle were having their little loove fest while Reagan, Brooke, and I were bored out of our minds, so we decided to leave Nicolle and Vinny and go walk around the mall. So I still have feelings for Reagan I guess you could say and so does Brooke so we were like in a competition to like yah know be like the flirtiest, and prettiest, or whatever. But I hadn't seen Reagan in a long time as well so it was not only just a competition over him, it was nice to get together with the whole "Phillappi Gang."
But anyways, Sunday was great!